Boy! This was a tough session.I'll just be honest! These children were very bratty and grouchy! In fact, we had to visit this sunflower field TWICE to get a decent picture. Their mother insisted I get something as she has some sort of dream to hang this over her fireplace in her living room. So we tried at session one. No way! They weren't having it! I went back against better judgement only to find them still grouchy three days later! We did manage to pull of a few shots of them. Enjoy your sneak peek Lori!

Ok, so they are my kids! Why is it that my kids make me have the worst sessions ever! The crying! The temper tantrums! The begging and pleading! And then, there the kid's behavior! They must get their brattiness from their dad! It certainly wouldn't be me!!!!!!!! I LOVE them!